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Ashtalakshmi Devalayam!

Ashtalakshmi Temple is a popular Hindu temple of Goddesses Ashtalakshmi in Hyderabad, India. This magnificent temple dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi stands distinctly on the outskirts of the city. this temple has a different style - a touch of south Indian architecture.

Among the Hindu pantheon, the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, finds a special place in the hearts of the people for she brings prosperity and happiness as well as salvation. But very few temple have Goddess Lakshmi in her eight splendorous forms.

Daily worship in the temple

Both Lord Narayana and Sri Lakshmi , by virtue of being the creators of the universe are worshipped in the Ashtalakshmi temple. Goddess Lakshmi is worshipped in 8 forms. This worship is enhancing the greatness of the temple. The description of the different types of worship is as follows:

1.Daily, the worship starts with the Suprabhatha-seva, early in the morning.
2. Different types of worship.
3. Daily , Kunkumaarchana (worship with saffron powder) is done.
4. Abhishekam.
5. Worship of the cow.
6. Homam.
7. Mangalaasaasanams (good wishes of devotees and holy people for protection of God from evil ).
8. Worship of the 8 deities with recitation of the Vedic charms.
9. Every special worship starts with Kunkumaarchana.
10. Every Friday, collective Kunkumaarchana, Puja with flowers of gold, and Abhishekam for Lord Narayanan and Sri Adhilakshmi.
11. Once in every month, on the day of the star Uttharaphalguni, Abhishekam is done for the 8 deities.
12. Worship of Lord Ganapathi is done every month, on the day of the 1st Chavithi (Suddha Chavithi,i.e.the 4th day of the lunar month).
13. Everyday in the morning, the cow which is the embodiment of all the deities receives the dharsan of Goddess Lakshmi.
14. On the full-moon day, special worship is done according to the Vedic tradition, with the recitation of the Sri Suktham. As such the temple reverberates with the chanting of the Vedic charms.

Devalayam Archakulu

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Lakshmi Narasimha Charyulu
Pradhana Archaka Swamy
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P. Krishnama Charyulu
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Santosh Bankupalli